Alberta Band Association Facebook Group
The Alberta Band Association maintains both a private Facebook group for Band Teachers and Directors as well as a public Facebook page.
National Youth Band
The Canadian Band Association is calling for auditions for the National Youth Band. The deadline to audition is February 15. For more information, please visit the Canadian Band Association website.
Music Education Study in Canada
The Coalition for Music Education is ready to begin the last phase of its National Study: A 2020 Landscape of Music Education in Canada, and the survey is now ready for music educators and administrators across the country to complete. They want to hear from as many as possible and are seeking the help of our membership. It is critical that the final report accurately reflects all regions of the country, so the Alberta Band Association is helping the Coalition in their endeavors. Links to the English and French surveys that can be found on the Coalition for Music Education website under the “Research” tab
The Coalition will have an early bird draw for a gift card from Long & McQuade for those who complete the survey before May 31. At the end of the survey in June, they will be drawing for three $5,000 grants for instruments supplied by MusiCounts.
Conn-Selmer Institute
Long & McQuade and Conn-Selmer have partnered together to provide free registration for Canadian music teachers to join the new virtual Conn-Selmer Institute this year. Details can be found at the link below – the registration link follows that.
The links are:
Link to register:
Please use discount code CSIC2020LNGMCQ when registering to avoid any charges.
The Alberta Band Association maintains both a private Facebook group for Band Teachers and Directors as well as a public Facebook page.
National Youth Band
The Canadian Band Association is calling for auditions for the National Youth Band. The deadline to audition is February 15. For more information, please visit the Canadian Band Association website.
Music Education Study in Canada
The Coalition for Music Education is ready to begin the last phase of its National Study: A 2020 Landscape of Music Education in Canada, and the survey is now ready for music educators and administrators across the country to complete. They want to hear from as many as possible and are seeking the help of our membership. It is critical that the final report accurately reflects all regions of the country, so the Alberta Band Association is helping the Coalition in their endeavors. Links to the English and French surveys that can be found on the Coalition for Music Education website under the “Research” tab
The Coalition will have an early bird draw for a gift card from Long & McQuade for those who complete the survey before May 31. At the end of the survey in June, they will be drawing for three $5,000 grants for instruments supplied by MusiCounts.
Conn-Selmer Institute
Long & McQuade and Conn-Selmer have partnered together to provide free registration for Canadian music teachers to join the new virtual Conn-Selmer Institute this year. Details can be found at the link below – the registration link follows that.
The links are:
Link to register:
Please use discount code CSIC2020LNGMCQ when registering to avoid any charges.