Recommended Timeline
By April 15
Establish list of recommended band members and send Instrumentalist Questionnaires home with those band members
By May 6
Recommended band members return their Instrumentalist Questionnaires to teachers/conductors
By May 17
Students wishing to audition should submit their audition by this date.
Teachers/conductors submit their Recommendation Rubrics along with the completed Instrumentalist Questionnaire PDF or Online Instrumentalist Questionnaire. We ask that this be done by scan and email (to [email protected]) or fax (to 780-488-6403)
By June 30
The Wind Symphony roster will be released. Emails will be sent to parents/guardians of instrumentalists as well as to recommending teachers.
By July 14
All accepted instrumentalists must have submitted their registration forms. A variety of payment options/plans will be available. Note that music access will be sent directly to band members upon the receipt of registration materials.
Wind Symphony Preparatory Rehearsal
October 23-26
Wind Symphony residency
October 25
Gala Concert for the Alberta Wind Symphony
Edmonton, AB
The deadline to submit recommendations and auditions is May 17th, 2024
Establish list of recommended band members and send Instrumentalist Questionnaires home with those band members
By May 6
Recommended band members return their Instrumentalist Questionnaires to teachers/conductors
By May 17
Students wishing to audition should submit their audition by this date.
Teachers/conductors submit their Recommendation Rubrics along with the completed Instrumentalist Questionnaire PDF or Online Instrumentalist Questionnaire. We ask that this be done by scan and email (to [email protected]) or fax (to 780-488-6403)
By June 30
The Wind Symphony roster will be released. Emails will be sent to parents/guardians of instrumentalists as well as to recommending teachers.
By July 14
All accepted instrumentalists must have submitted their registration forms. A variety of payment options/plans will be available. Note that music access will be sent directly to band members upon the receipt of registration materials.
Wind Symphony Preparatory Rehearsal
October 23-26
Wind Symphony residency
October 25
Gala Concert for the Alberta Wind Symphony
Edmonton, AB
The deadline to submit recommendations and auditions is May 17th, 2024