Government of Alberta Guidance Documents
For community organizations, current restrictions only apply if organizations are not participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program.
For schools, guidance set out by school boards differs across the province; band teachers should consult their local authorities for district specific guidance.
Please refer to the Government of Alberta website for the most current information regarding restrictions. For additional information, please refer to Public Health Order CMOH 44-2021
If seeking guidance for best practices in the rehearsal room regarding COVID-19 safety, conductors and band leaders are encouraged to apply the guidance found in previous guidance documents issued by the Alberta Government and Alberta Health linked below. Important considerations drawn from the Guidance for Instrumental Music linked below might include:
Guidance for Instrumental Music
Guidance for Outdoor Events
Guidance for Indoor Events
Guidance for Singing and Vocal Performance
School Re-Entry Plan
Scenario 1 for Schools
Implementing School Re-Launch Guidance
Scenario 2 for Schools
Studies on Aerosols and Wind Instruments
The University of the Bundeswehr Munich has released their preliminary results regarding the production of aerosols while playing wind instruments. This study was used to craft the Alberta Guidance for Instrumental Music.
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics
The University of Colorado is currently pursuing a study on aerosol production and wind instrument playing which was used to craft the Alberta Guidance for Instrumental Music.
COVID-19 Aerosol Study
University of Cincinnati study on the characterization of aerosols from musical performance and risk mitigation.
Characterization of Aerosols from Musical Performance & Risk Mitigation Related to COVID 19 Pandemic
The study done at the University of Freiburg which was used to create the Alberta guidance for wind instruments
Risk Assessment of a Coronavirus Infection in the Field of Music
The study done by the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra which was used to create the Alberta guidance for wind instruments
Bamberg Symphony Covid Study
Re-Opening Guidelines:
For community organizations, current restrictions only apply if organizations are not participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program.
For schools, guidance set out by school boards differs across the province; band teachers should consult their local authorities for district specific guidance.
Please refer to the Government of Alberta website for the most current information regarding restrictions. For additional information, please refer to Public Health Order CMOH 44-2021
If seeking guidance for best practices in the rehearsal room regarding COVID-19 safety, conductors and band leaders are encouraged to apply the guidance found in previous guidance documents issued by the Alberta Government and Alberta Health linked below. Important considerations drawn from the Guidance for Instrumental Music linked below might include:
- bell covers for wind instruments
- emptying spit valves onto washable or disposable cloths
- not sharing mouthpieces and instruments
- using hand sanitizer frequently, especially prior to and following the rehearsal and before and after cleaning and packing up instruments
- ensuring there is adequate ventilation in the rehearsal space
- placing participants in such a way that they are all facing the same direction
- wearing masks when entering and exiting the room and when not playing (this is a current restriction)
- maintaining 2 meters between participants (this is a current restriction)
Guidance for Instrumental Music
Guidance for Outdoor Events
Guidance for Indoor Events
Guidance for Singing and Vocal Performance
School Re-Entry Plan
Scenario 1 for Schools
Implementing School Re-Launch Guidance
Scenario 2 for Schools
Studies on Aerosols and Wind Instruments
The University of the Bundeswehr Munich has released their preliminary results regarding the production of aerosols while playing wind instruments. This study was used to craft the Alberta Guidance for Instrumental Music.
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics
The University of Colorado is currently pursuing a study on aerosol production and wind instrument playing which was used to craft the Alberta Guidance for Instrumental Music.
COVID-19 Aerosol Study
University of Cincinnati study on the characterization of aerosols from musical performance and risk mitigation.
Characterization of Aerosols from Musical Performance & Risk Mitigation Related to COVID 19 Pandemic
The study done at the University of Freiburg which was used to create the Alberta guidance for wind instruments
Risk Assessment of a Coronavirus Infection in the Field of Music
The study done by the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra which was used to create the Alberta guidance for wind instruments
Bamberg Symphony Covid Study
Re-Opening Guidelines:
- Guidance for Music Classes in BC (reviewed by public health authorities in BC)
- Music Education Framework (Ontario Music Educators' Association)
- Recommendations for Schools Re-Opening Music (Manitoba Recommendations)
- Recommandations en Musique pour la Reouverture des Ecoles en Education Musicale (Manitoba Recommendations)
- Letter to Administrators (Manitoba)
- Recommendations from the Manitoba Music Educators Association
- NAfME Fall 2020 Guidance for Music Education
- New Jersey Arts Education Resources
- Guidance for Music Classes in British Columbia
- Ontario Music Educators' Association COVID-19 Response and Resources